Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Labyrinth of Birth

The labyrinth is a sacred symbol for life and birth. It is a beautiful illustration for the internal journey that a mother and father/partner must take to get to their baby, through postpartum, and then back to themselves and their "village."

How is birth like a labyrinth? “You cannot get lost in a labyrinth.” There is a beginning and an entrance and one exit. 

With the start of labor, the mother and father are swept over a physical and spiritual threshold and into an intuitive realm, with no sense of time or direction. “A mother could be blindfolded and still reach the center by feeling her way through the path.” “She doesn’t need to study the path before she enters.” Each step forward is one step closer to the center. “The center represents the birth of the child, the birth of the mother and father, the birth of the family.”

As you move into the realm of birth, open your arms to the unknown. You have entered a space where all of your faculties will be challenged by the unfamiliar. Your eyes cannot see as they normally do. Your ears will hear new sounds. Your senses will be heightened as you feel your way through uncharted territory. The feeling of not knowing can sometimes be overwhelming when we are used to schedule, routine, and direction. Your thoughts might whirl into a twister of sorts. The labyrinth is an incredibly helpful tool for unwinding our thoughts and emotions surrounding birth and parenthood. And it just so happens that the labyrinth is also a perfect image for the journey to birth (preparation), to your baby (birth), and a return to life anew (postpartum and parenthood)…for we step into the labyrinth, which doesn’t require a map, and allow the journey to shape us. Each step forward brings us one step closer to our true, authentic selves…each step motivates us to question our beliefs and agreements that no longer serve us about life, birth, and even death. Our intuition and gut responses beckon us. Once in the center, we experience transformation and change, whether we want to or not. We die a sort of spiritual death to our old selves, and are born into parenthood. We will never be the same. The journey back out is with new eyes, new ears, new heart. Each step out brings us wisdom, courage, empathy, and revelation. At times, you may find yourself awake with no answers, calm without peace, sad with no tears, angry in the face of love…but alas, you are right where you need to be. We are the only ones who can get in the way of ourselves. Perhaps drawing a labyrinth might help you process and piece together your insights and awareness. Using the labyrinth while pondering big decisions can also be truly helpful. And you will make a lot of big decisions as a parent! Love and light to you on your journey. 

How to draw a labyrinth:

Try this:
Use soft pastels or some other forgiving medium and draw your labyrinth. Try to keep the aisles of your labyrinth at least a fingers width apart. Once you have finished your labyrinth, think of an image that brings to mind sacredness. Draw this image in front of the entrance to your labyrinth. This is your threshold that must be crossed with reverence. Now sketch a little pair of feet in front of your threshold. These represent your feet…moving forward…one step at a time. Before entering your labyrinth, find a comfy place on the floor and sit with your drawing. Perhaps think of your mother or mother-figure…father or father-figure. What one quality of hers/his do you admire? Think deeply. Take a moment to honor your thoughts. As you enter your labyrinth, think of this quality. Imagine that with each step forward you inhale the energy of this attribute. What images come to mind when you think of these quality? What colors does this quality possess. What smells are arising from the pores of this quality. Be very present with the sensations in your body as you finger trace your labyrinth. Once in the center, pause. Allow these ideas and images to seep into your skin. As you exit, envision this quality expanding in your body. With each step forward, embody these quality. Plant each step firmly in the earth…deep into your heart. Perhaps you will move out of your labyrinth with a sense of transformation.

*Words in quotation are those of Pam England, founder of BIRTHING FROM WITHIN*  

With a sacred spirit,


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