Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Art As a Way of Knowing

Dear beautiful women out there in this world,

Sometimes we don’t know what is ailing us. We know we were affected deeply by something, but we don’t know how or why or where?

Remember when you were a child and your mother or father asked you “where does it hurt?” Perhaps you were unable to put your finger on the pain?

We now know that physical pain can be directly connected to emotional and psychological pain. However, it is much easier to say “my knee hurts,” or “my head hurts.” But it is not easy to verbalize how your soul aches…Or how your gut feels sad…Or perhaps how your core has been pierced by something sharp. This is where art becomes healing. If we can allow our right brain to take over, then we can better source the primary reason for distress or stagnancy. Our right brain is what connects most deeply to our wounded selves...to the river that flows underneath our being.

Through imagery, our inner knowing communicates to our thinking brain. Sometimes this communication is subconscious, but nevertheless healing. If our deeper self knows what is causing the pain or hold up, it will sometimes bypass the thought process and instead move energy around and out of our bodies…

Perhaps manifesting in renewed energy, fewer aches and pains, and an overall clearer sense of self.
This is the power of the artistic process. By simply drawing, or kneading clay, or smearing pastels around on a page, we move mountains inside of ourselves. The most important part of it all is not the final product…It is the process. Each new color, added image, or finger smudge could be the next level of healing for you. Be courageous!

Try this:
Take pastels and a large piece of paper...sit somewhere quiet and safe. Perhaps light a candle or a stick of incense. Honor this sacred moment with yourself. State your intention...to know yourself, or whatever your intention may be...Pick up whatever color speaks to you with your non-dominant hand. Close your eyes and begin a scribble drawing of sorts. Let your intuition guide your hand. Go when you feel the urge to go. Stop when you feel finished. Open your eyes and let your drawing speak to you. What do you see? What is your river whispering to you? Or perhaps screaming at you? Take your time. If nothing comes...put your drawing in a visible place where it can continue to speak to you. Add details as they come. Journal your thoughts as they arise.

Seek out a wisdom keeper. A witness. Be very selective...

"Choose this person carefully, someone whom you can trust and who shares your willingness to explore. To witness is to see and affirm. It is a skill. It involves putting aside any personal agenda. This witness does not judge, criticize, extol, reject, or evaluate your images. To witness is to be-with. The witness is changed in this being-with, enlarged by witnessing the unfamiliar or strengthened by witnessing the resonate. Be aware of your own wishes. Having someone witness your images is not the same as therapy; it does not involve coming to a diagnosis or problem solving. Having someone witness your images will not instantly right all wrongs of childhood, save a marriage, or ignite a romance. Yet witnessing is a powerful form of connection and works best when there is clarity between the two parties and a willingness to attend to whatever happens."- Pat B. Allen

More to come...



Kristina and I have started using art to communicate with one another. When we are frustrated, sometimes we sit together and draw. I feel blessed to experience these moments with her...In a moment of disconnect, Kristina sketched this...

I don't begin to know her inner workings, but I am glad that she has this outlet.

Won't you join me in expressing yourself?

How might art be helpful for birth?

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