Saturday, January 26, 2013

Birth as a Hero's Journey: The Challenge!

Beautiful women,

Do you seek a healing balm? Are you in search of deeper meaning and understanding on your journey through pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and motherhood? Do you long to unravel the mysteries of your birth? Are you still reeling with emotion surrounding a traumatic birth? Do you really want to be heard...heard by your own heart...understood by your own soul?

Take the challenge!

This is a little reading intensive, but I promise that you will excavate inner truths, manifest new ideas, and experience the healing balm of self-exploration!

Give yourself this gift!

Below are links to Pam England's blog about experiencing birth as a hero's journey. Take your time. Unfold. Bless yourself with each step closer to you. Where are you on your hero's journey?

Envisioning the Childbearing Year as a Hero's Journey 
More Envisioning
The Journey Begins
Assumptions and Agreements
Hearing the Call
Refusal of the Call
Answering the Call
Leaving Home
Birth Huntress/Gatherer
More Birth Huntress
The Ordeal Begins
In the Ordeal
The Crocodile Goddess
Our Deepest Questions in the Underworld
Seeing in the Underworld
Meet the Gatekeeper
The Gatekeeper Within
Birth as a Hero's Journey Continues...
First Gate
Second Gate
Third Gate
Fourth Gate
Fifth Gate
Sixth Gate
The Poetress
Seventh Gate
Who is the Warrior?
From Innocence to Genuine Trust
Awakening the Love Warrior

Go! Dive into yourself.


Your underworld muse...
P.S. If you need help unfolding, or desire to experience a witness to your process, feel free to contact me about a private Birth Story Listening session!

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