Monday, October 29, 2012

Let Your Monkey Do It!

Making noise and moving in birth are two of the most powerful pain coping tools in the universal "birth tool box."

The problem is, a lot of us don't feel comfortable raising our volume, shouting out, or singing our birth song. Many of us were told as young children to "shhhh," "be quiet," "sit still," or "shut up." We were often punished or belittled for being too vocal or too mobile. Our inner child cries out loudly and pulls strongly at our soul strings when we envision ourselves moaning, chanting, wailing, or...(take a deep breath)...completely losing it in front of someone else.

This same inner child might also feel resistance to movement. "What about the time in grade school when everyone made fun of the way I moved to that song," or "the time when Dad told me to stop moving because I might send the wrong message to the boys," or "Mom said stay still or she will...(fill in blank)," or perhaps "my dance teacher said that I would never be as good as the others." All of these inner stories lay the foundation for our beliefs about movement and sound. We arrive at birth with these beliefs. Without inner work, these beliefs will color the birth experience!

We must sort through and let go of beliefs that will not serve us in birth!

How is this done? By preparing from within, balancing practical preparation with emotional and psychological excavation. If we can discover those beliefs that will not serve us, then we create the opportunity to also throw them away, releasing those parts of us that are not really us. We break down our inner workings in order to build ourselves back authentic brick after another. Our inner child carries the shovel, our birth huntress carries the mortar, and our birth warrior is the act of foot in front of the other until we are whole again. 

How does your inner child feel about movement and sound?

Close your eyes. Right now. Take a moment to envision yourself completely losing it in birth. What does that look like? What do you feel inside of your body when you see yourself breaking apart? How do you imagine your partner, lover, husband, or birth companion witnessing this moment? Feel those feelings! Love that scared, shamed, unsure inner child that needs you right now. Embrace those feelings as you would your new born baby. Don't push them away or try to distract them. Just feel them. Watch them. Be curious about their every move.

This is how we unravel ourselves. This is how we heal. This is how we approach birth in a spiritual and sacred way. This is how we prevent birth trauma.

I challenge you right now to find your inner wolf!

Experiment with making sound. Be uncomfortable. Love your beautiful, vulnerable self.

I also challenge you to find your inner monkey! How do monkeys move? Do they think their way through the branches, or do they feel their way?

Sort through and excavate your beliefs dear beautiful women...

From one birth warrior to another,


Dance and sing your way to Mother Chi Birthing!

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